
#015759 "A" - conduit model, Nema 4X enclosure, 115 VAC, 60 Hz.
#015084 "A" - conduit model, painted steel enclosure, 115 VAC, 60 Hz.
#015142 "A" - receptacle model, painted steel enclosure, 115 VAC, 60 Hz.
#015109 "B" - specify bottom plate, painted steel enclosure, 115 VAC, 60 Hz.
#015994 "B" - conduit model, Nema 4X enclosure, 115 VAC, 60 Hz.
#015207 "A" - same as 015084, but 240 VAC, 50 Hz.
#016152 "C"- specify bottom plate, painted steel enclosure, 115 VAC, 60 Hz. Including 2 relays, use when 6 outputs are required.
#016006 "C" - conduit model, Nema 4X stainless steel enclosure, 115 VAC, 60 Hz.
#015194 "AR" - specify bottom plate, painted steel enclosure, 115 VAC, 60 Hz.
#015211 "BR" - specify bottom plate, painted steel enclosure, 115 VAC, 60 Hz.

BOTTOM PLATES (B, C, AR And BR Enclosures Only)
#015477 2 receptacle with 4 conduit knockouts.
#015476 3 receptacle with 3 conduit knockouts.
#015474 4 receptacle with 2 conduit knockouts.
#015473 5 receptacle.
#015472 6 receptacle.
#015479 1 receptacle with 5 conduit knockouts.
#015480 Conduit with 6-place conduit mounting.

#015102 Boiler Blowdown-Bargraph display (0-10,000 microsiemens).
#015192 Boiler Blowdown-Bargraph display (0-5,000 microsiemens).
#015231 Boiler Blowdown-Bargraph display continuous sampling (0-5,000 microsiemens).
#015251 Boiler-Bargraph display continuous sampling (0-10,000 microsiemens).
#015096 Tower Conductivity-Digital display (0-20,000 microsiemens).
#015294 Tower Conductivity-Digital display (0-10,000 microsiemens).
#015518 Tower Conductivity-Digital display (0-5,000 microsiemens).
#015100 Tower Conductivity-Digital display (0-2,000 microsiemens).
#015153 Tower Conductivity-Digital display (0-200 microsiemens).
#015504 Tower Conductivity-Digital display (0-20 microsiemens).
#016302 pH/ORP Controller, Digital display (0-14 pH), (-1999 to +1999mv).
#016502 pH, Dual setpoint, Digital display (0-14 pH).
#016092 Biocide II Controller, Digital display, 14 day, single or dual operation--microprocessor electronics.
#016322 Counter-Timer (regular--control module size).
#013087 Counter-Timer (small--modifier module size).
#015176 Counter-Timer with totalizing register.
#016286 PPM Module.

#012907 Hi-Lo Alarm.
#012919 Flasher-Driver.
#012947 Time-Out.
#012945 Relay-Driver Pump.
#015184 Relay-Driver Valve.
#015182 Relay-Driver Pump "A".
#015183 Relay-Driver Pump "B".
#015179 Switch-Operated Module--low chemical.
#015180 Switch-Operated Module--no flow.
#013448 4-20 mA output module.
#013447 4-20 mA Transformer Board--required for output module; can supply power to two (2) output modules.

#013320 20 Amp.
#013228 Dry Contact Relay.

#016098 Flow Switch, 3/4" NPT fittings, PVC.
#015291 Flow Switch, 3/8" NPT fittings, PVC.
#014828 Level Float Switch (open when float is low, closed when float is high).
#014829 Level Float Switch (closed when float is low, open when float is high).
#015318 Remote Recorder, 0-1 mA, 115 VAC, single channel with cable. 1,046.00
#013180 Remote Recorder Interface Module, single channel. 181.90
#015276 Remote Recorder Interface Model, 2-channel. 181.90
#013191 Remote Recorder, 0-1 mA, 115 VAC, 2 channel with cable. 1,486.00
#013285 2-Channel Remote Recorder Cable. 26.75
#013286 1-Channel Remote Recorder Cable. 22.47
#011875 pH Adapter Cable Assembly with BNC connector, 25 ft. 58.85
#032167 PVC Ball Valve, 3/4" (shut-off valve--may be used with piping assemblies).
#034886 pH Remote Transmitter--allows pH electrode mounting up to 1,000 ft. from controller (includes batteries).
#031756 Recorder Chart Paper (conductivity). 32.10
#032275 Recorder Chart Paper (pH). 32.10
Note: Refer to Appropriate Section for probes, valves and pre-plumbed assemblies.

SPECIAL COMBINATION PIPING ASSEMBLY (Includes pH and conductivity probe, flow switch and sample petcock).
#015434 Flow-thru, CPVC 2.2 3/4" NPT 100 psi 150 F (Pin-Type)
#015436 Flow-thru, PVC 2.2 3/4" NPT 100 psi 115 F (Pin-Type)

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